Day One


  1. Hi Ruby,
    We hope that the sun is shinning for you all at camp. Finally we have sun here in Christchurch! Have fun with all your class mates. We look forward to hearing all about it when we ring on Friday.

    Much luv
    Gayle & Paul xxxx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Jack Lockington, Hope you managed to get the tent up OK and are actually getting some sleep! Have a great time and can't wait to see photos and hear all about it.
    Lots of love, Mum, Dad and Sasha xxx

  4. Hi Oscar
    Hope you enjoyed Day 1 and managed to carry your large bag all on your own :) Its very quiet at home tonight without you.
    Have a fun time at camp
    Lots of Love
    Mum & Joshua

  5. Hi David
    John was wondering what you had for dinner. We are looking forward to listen to your adventures

  6. Hi Rhianna,
    Hope you had an awesome day 1 and managed to get some sleep. Have lots of fun.
    Love Mum xx

  7. Hi Sascha,

    Hope you are having heap and heaps of fun. The pictures look great year 6 team - especially the mud run. Be plenty more mud after today 🌧. Sascha we hope you keep having fun!!
    Lots of hugs and kisses, Mum, Pad, Ava, Fizzy 🐶 and Bubbles 🐥 xxxxxx

  8. Hi Haohao

    Hope you enjoy the time in the raining, we have seen the lovely photos and realize how exciting to stay with your buddy. Enjoy the rest of the camping day. Love you!
    Mum, Dad, Emily

  9. Hi Ollie,

    The pictures are GREAT! Looks like so much fun, especially love the mud run :) Hopefully the rain is staying away. Hope today is great fun too! much love, mum, dad, Bella & Roxy x

  10. Hi claudia. Hope you're having lots of fun, and getting extreamly dirty we all miss you lots and can't wait to hear about all you're exciting adventures. Lots of love m d a h t c xxx


Day three

Another great day and the rain cleared this afternoon!  Sadly only one more day!! We are not ready to come home yet!