Day Four


  1. Hi William!
    Look forward to hearing all the stories this afternoon! Enjoy you last day! Looks like you have had a blast.
    Love mum, dad and James πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§

  2. Thank you to the teachers who have done an incredible job arranging this amazing camp and supporting all our children. Amy-Rose, can't wait to see you this afternoon and hear about the wonderful experiences you have had. x x x Mum, Willow and Baggy

  3. Ruby C-W!! Thinking of you and glad you're having a fab time. See you this afternoon! x Mum, Dad, Jonah, Xavier & pets! πŸŒ·πŸŒΊπŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜˜

  4. Y6 camp looks awesome! Thanks to everyone, especially the teachers & parent volunteers who helped out.

    Blake, We can't to see you & hear all about your awesome camp adventures! See you SOOOON!!! We love you!! xx Mom, Dad & Eric


Day three

Another great day and the rain cleared this afternoon!  Sadly only one more day!! We are not ready to come home yet!